Meet Jasmine, one of our Chandlers from Candlefish Atlanta!
We already know how awesome she is, and now you can too! We asked her a few questions and here's what she had to say:
1. Tell us about a day in the life of you!
A day in the life of me (outside of being a Chandler) consists of checking out local art shows/events, daily writing and cuddling with my dog and rabbit.
2. What is your Go To Library Fragrance?:
I have so many favorites depending on my mood but No. 40never fails to take me to a happy place.
3. Most underrated/favorite restaurant in Atlanta:
Jake's Ice Cream. They have the most divine blueberry basil sorbet.
4. Most likely to…
Disappear during a break or hide out in a corner. I love socializing but alone time throughout the day is essential for my well-being.
5. Share one thing about being a Chandler that is surprising:
I fall in love with a new fragrance almost everyday. And if I don't love a fragrance initially, I find that if I'm open, I come to appreciate it later.
6. Best advice you’ve ever received:
Personal: Don't resist change. Professional: Hire people who's strengths are your weakness.
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